

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Capulin Ice Cave and Bears on the Loose

Friday after work, my husband and I headed out for a hike at Capulin Campground in the Carson National Forest.  We hiked to an ice cave with a small waterfall there a few months ago and wanted to check it out in the Fall.  To our surprise, the campground was closed to vehicles and camping due to the entrance gate being closed. Well, we parked by the road and walked in wondering what was going on at the site. Then we saw these newly posted signs:


While I didn't actually see the bears, I was happy to see they are still around out here.  We decided to try another trail, but it was getting dark so we went home.  However, the next day we went to Santa Fe Ski Basin in the Santa Fe National forest, and everyone from all over the area was out enjoying the area. It was quite inspirational and we had a great time.  With so many people enjoying hiking and fishing, I have hope for conservation and the future.

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