

Monday, October 18, 2010

Trip to Colorado

I had to travel to Raton, New Mexico for work on Friday, so my husband and I took advantage of the trip and did some hiking in Colorado afterward.  We hiked near the top of West Spanish Peak. It was beautiful. It was a great day, and I was happy to be there, but it was cold, so I am a bit sick now. It was still worth it though.

I am
West Spanish Peak - This is in Southern Colorado.  It is 13,625 feet high.  We were at 11, 126 when the photo was taken.
This view is near West Spanish Peak.
This is Monument Lake.  You can see West Spanish Peak to the right in the back.
Dakota Wall on the Highway of Legends in Colorado.  These are unique geological features throughout the area.
This is the trail back down from the Spanish Peak area. If you look closely, you can see a ranger's station high on the hill in the back. This is an official wilderness area, but help isn't far away, nor is weather alerting.  The equipment near the station is a weather station.

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