

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday Morning Hike

From Vista View Trail

My husband and I got up early and drove over to Abiqui, the home of artist Georgia O'Keefe. It was a fun morning.  We hiked the Vista View Trail first and captured the first few photos in this post.  The colors are inspirational there.  It is similar to canyon country in Utah.

Me coming back down on the Vista View Trail.  It was going to rain, so we rushed back down.  My husband is tall, so he is faster than me.

Another view from Vista View Trail
We stopped by Ghost Ranch on the way back to Taos.  It is way cool.
This cool cabin sits at the edge of ghost ranch.  I went in, it is really interesting.
Echo Canyon
We took a second short hike on the way home up Echo Canyon. It is the second or third echo canyon I have been to in the west, but this one definitely had the loudest echo.  The paved path took something away from the experience, but it is accessible to everyone, so that is nice.  It was a great morning before returning home to work on school stuff. I am really glad we saw another side of New Mexico. It truly is the land of Enchantment.

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